

Friday, April 23, 2021

Signs of the Times

You see them everywhere... signs extorting people to take precautions against COVID.  Obviously not everyone has taken the warnings seriously because Mexico has one of the highest number of deaths from COVID in the world. 

These two are part of a series that was distributed by the Mexico City government.

  Out of respect, wear it.

Out of love, wear it.

This billboard shows a health care worker saying, "Help me continue saving lives.  Stay at home."

This poster was perhaps put up when the city was on red alert earlier this year.  It says,
"Hospitalizations in the city are increasing.  It is urgent to reduce contagion.  Stay at home.  Do not have parties.  If you go out, use a face mask and keep a safe distance."

This sign at the entrance to a bar indicates that it is open, but at only 30% capacity.  I don't care.  The last place I would go is to a bar.

This sign goes farther than anything I have seen in the U.S.  It says that you should avoid wearing neckties, scarves, necklaces, earrings and piercings, rings and bowties because they could harbor microorganisms.  

Finally, a enormous banner at the top of the World Trade Center says, "It's time for us all to take care of ourselves."


  1. I'm surprised I don't see such public signs in the US.

    1. The anti-mask crowd would probably tear them down.
