

Monday, April 5, 2021

Before and After

Way back when this pandemic started in March of 2020, and I had to cancel my April trip to Mexico, I decided that I would let my hair grow until I was able to travel again.  I never thought that more than a year would pass before I could return to Mexico.  Under normal circumstances I would have taken four trips during this time period.  At long last I will be boarding a plane next week.  So last night I got rid of my long hair... the only time in my entire life that I have had long hair.  First I cut off the locks with scissors, then I buzzed my pate with clippers, and finally I shaved it.  I also removed the goatee, since a secure fit with my N95 mask requires a clean-shaven chin.

Here are the before and after photos...



  1. You look great! It must feel really good to finally get rid of all that hair.

    1. Thanks, yes, it does feel better. Another benefit is that now I won't find white hairs all over when I sweep the floors or dust the furniture! However, without the goatee a bit of a double chin was revealed.
