

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Another Art Market

After a seeing the "Fair of the World" last Saturday, we walked just a couple of blocks to the picturesque center of Coyoacán.  I asked Alejandro, "Isn't there an art market around here on weekends?"  We wandered a bit and soon found the park where local artists set up their work for sale.

My initial impression was that the artists here were not nearly as good as those who participate in the Saturday art market in San Angel or in the Sunday market at Parque Sullivan.  But then I spotted some art that caught my eye.

This gentleman by the name of Jaime Mendoza had some lovely landscapes.  I ended up buying one depicting the snow-covered volcanoes near Mexico City.  It is now hanging in my living room.

This young fellow by the name of Manuel Quiroz does paintings on woven straw mats.  Several of his works are of chili peppers.

I thought that one would look good in the kitchen.  I already had a piece of art covering the circuit breaker, but the painting of the pepper would be a more appropriate kitchen theme.  I moved the previous piece to my office, and now this work by young señor Quiroz does a very nice job of covering the circuit breaker.


So, it was a very successful shopping day.  I bought a couple of dolls to give as gifts at the "Fair of the World" and I got a couple of pieces of art for the apartment.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Fair of the World

Last Saturday, Alejandro and I went to an event called "Feria del Mundo" (Fair of the World).  We are pretty sure that this was the same event that we were unable to attend last May since the streets around the National Palace were blocked off due to pre-election protests.  This time the fair was held far from the Historic Center at the Museum of Popular Cultures in the southern district of Coyoacán.

Alejandro at the entrance to the museum

Booths representing different countries were set up in the open areas of the museum.  There were supposed to be more than fifty countries, but I think that there were far less.  The booths sold handicrafts, souvenirs and food from their respective nations.


A lady dressed in the native attire of Korea

I chatted with this lady at the Ecuador booth.  From my trip to that country many years ago, I recognized her attire as that of the indigenous Otovalo people who are famous for their handwoven woolen textiles.

One of the reasons that I wanted to come to this event was to see if there were any dolls for sale.  You may recall that I send dolls to the daughters of a friend.  I hoped that I would be able to buy some dolls from countries other than Mexico.  I got a doll from the Czech Republic (shown below) and one from Colombia.

The event was very crowded, but when we went into the food tent to get something to eat, it was even more crowded.

We did, however, manage to get a tasty German sausage sandwich and a delicious "croque monsieur" from the French stand.


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Dinner at the "Privada Roja"

As I wrote at the end of the last post, I planned to have dinner at a historic building called "Privada Roja".  The word "privada" means a private street.  This structure, which was built in 1907 consisted of a long alleyway which was lined on either side with fashionable apartments.  In the 1960s the building fell into disrepair when it was taken over by squatters.  In 1993 legal action was taken to evict the illegal residents, and work began on restoring the "privada".  Today it houses three restaurants, a couple of art galleries, and Airbnb rentals.  It was used as a film location for some scenes from the movie "Frida" with Salma Hayek. 

 I ate at one of the restaurants, a place called "Mimbre".  Its menu offers a mixture of Mexican and Italian dishes.  It is also a bakery, and even though it was not breakfast time, I was offered sweet bread.  I chose a "chocolatín" (the Mexican equivalent of the French "pain au chocolat"), and it was excellent.

As a starter, I ordered a tray of three "sopes".  "Sopes" have a fried corn dough base with the sides crimped up to hold fillings.  These "sopes" were filled with beef, sausage, caramelized onions, cheese and "crema".  They were outstanding.

For my main course I had a breaded chicken cutlet, covered in tomato sauce, manchego cheese and pesto.  It was very good also.

The word "mimbre" means wicker.  As a souvenir, patrons receive a tiny wicker basket.  With it came a piece of paper similar to what you would find in a fortune cookie.  The humorous proverb said, "Never put off for tomorrow what you could do the day after tomorrow."


It was a good restaurant, worth a return visit.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Back to San Rafael

Some time ago I wrote about the "colonia" of San Rafael in Mexico City.  I wandered around the neighborhood one afternoon and found it an interesting area.  I told myself that I needed to return and do some more exploration.  I did that last Thursday after doing some investigation on Google Maps.

My first stop was the Church of Saint Cosme and Saint Damián on the northern edge of the neighborhood. 

The parish was founded in 1524, just three years after the Spanish conquest.  A hermitage and a hospital for natives were built here.  The hospital was abandoned due to lack of income, but in 1593 the Franciscan order took over and established a monastery.  In 1672 work on the present church was begun.

Currently the entrance is colorfully decorated because the Pope declared this a Holy Year for the church.

The decorations include representations of "ex-votos", the medals and small paintings which people have made in thanks for answered prayers.

"Thank you, Saints Cosme and Damián for taking away this headache which the devil provoked in me."

"Thank you, Virgen of Solitude because at last I have a home in which to live."

When I entered the church, I was immediately impressed with the main altarpiece, one of the most beautiful that I have ever seen in Mexico City.

It dates from the 18th century and is an example of Churrigueresque art, the ultra-baroque style that was popular in Mexico in that era.  The altarpiece originally was in the Church of San Joaquín de Tacuba and was moved to this church.  It was restored a few years ago.  First, it was cleaned.  Years of dust and grime were removed.  Then the statues of the saints were repaired.  Cracks were filled, missing fingers were replaced, and the statues were repainted.  Finally, 22 karat gold leaf was applied to the carvings.  The finished product is dazzling.

The church has been lovingly maintained, but next door is a building which stands abandoned and in decay.  The Cine Opera used to be one of Mexico City's largest and most beautiful movie theaters.

The art deco building was opened in 1949 during the Golden Age of the Mexican Cinema.  The theater declined in the 1970s and 1980s and was finally closed in 1998.

Peering through the gate at the doors of the theater

As a piece of historic architecture, the building is now government property belonging to the National Institute of Fine Arts.  There are plans to restore the building and create a cultural center, but work has not yet begun.

San Rafael was once known as the Broadway of Mexico City because of its many theaters and cinemas.  A few theaters still remain.  Just a few doors down the street from the Cine Opera, is the Manolo Fabregas Theater which still presents stage productions. 

Continuing down the street there are many homes which were built in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  Some are in a sad state of abandonment while others have been beautifully restored.

A few blocks farther down the street is a brick building more than a century old that is called the "Privada Roja"

This was my final destination in San Rafael and where I was going to have dinner.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Above Average

It has been a rainy July in Mexico City.  With more than a week left in the month, we have already exceeded the historical average of rainfall for the month.

 As you can see from this screenshot from the Weather Channel, we have had almost eight inches of precipitation so far (actually more than eight inches since we had a brief but heavy shower an hour ago).  The average for July is 7.2 inches.

That is good news for the drought-stricken country and for the city which was going to run out of water.  The rain has been widespread, so hopefully, the lakes and reservoirs are filling up.  The downside is that drainage in the city is inadequate, and with heavy rains some streets become flooded.  One notorious example is the freeway by the airport.  There was also a tragedy just a block away from where I live.  During one of the storms, a tree fell and killed a woman who was sitting in her parked car.  The rain is welcome, but we don't want sad stories such as that.    

After All These Years

The last destructive earthquake to hit Mexico City was on September 19th, 2017, when 228 people perished and more than 40 buildings collapsed.  There are still empty lots in the city where collapsed or damaged buildings were cleared away.  An apartment building where I used to rent an Airbnb, although still standing after the quake, was eventually torn down because of structural damage.  I sometimes make a point of passing by there, and although you can see some construction material and equipment beyond the barricade, the lot remains vacant.

Amazingly, nearly seven years after the quake, I come upon the ruins of this building while walking around the same neighborhood.


Monday, July 22, 2024

Another Salsa

Last week I made another kind of salsa.  This one goes by a number of names.  It is often called "pico de gallo" (rooster's beak), although that name is also used for a salad made of jicama and orange.  It is also called "salsa cruda" (raw sauce) because the ingredients are not cooked, or "salsa mexicana" because the ingredients are the colors of the Mexican flag.

It is very easy to make.  It was the very first item of Mexican cuisine that I learned to make many decades ago. After I returned from studying at the University of the Americas in Mexico for three months, I missed the flavors of genuine Mexican cooking.  The wife of one of my Spanish professors in Ohio taught me how to make this simple salsa.   All you do is mix together chopped tomatoes, chopped onion, chopped cilantro, and a chopped jalapeño pepper.  Then add lime juice and salt to taste.  It's a wonderful garnish on top of many dishes.