Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The Vatican Comes to Mexico

You may remember that before I left on this trip to Mexico City, I posted a webcam photo of construction being done on the Zócalo, Mexico City's main plaza.  I wondered what they were building and if it were for some sort of special event for Holy Week.  Before my departure I learned from the Mexico City forum on TripAdvisor that they were building a model of the Sistine Chapel with a reproduction of Michelangelo's famous paintings.  It will be open tomorrow through May 19th.  

When I was downtown last week I walked to the Zócalo to see how the work was progressing.  All the way down Madero Street I could see the structure looming in the distance.


Arriving at the plaza you can see how large this is going to be.  It obviously is a life-size replica of the famous chapel. 

 Admission is free but one must reserve tickets online since a limited number of people are allowed entrance every twenty minutes.  Alejandro tried to get tickets for this coming weekend, but every time slot was already filled.  Fortunately, he found one time slot for the last weekend of April.  He reservedd four tickets so that his sister and nephew can join us.

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