Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Outside the Market

Alejandro's neighborhood, like many neighborhoods in the city, has a public market building.  But you do not even have to enter the building to do your shopping.  The streets outside the market are filled with outdoor stalls selling a wide variety of merchandise.  This is not a "tianguis", one of the outdoor markets that are held once a week in various locations throughout the city.  These stalls are there every day.  I think of them as the overflow from the market.

I find the stalls selling fruits and vegetables to be especially colorful and interesting.

Ten pesos (that's about 50 cents) for a kilo (over two pounds) of tomatoes

Those are guavas in the foreground.

Hass avocados
The creamiest
The tastiest
The best flavor
The best quality

This stall was selling "chicarrones" (pork rinds).  When the vendor saw me taking a photo, he pulled back the plastic so that I could get a better picture.

There were numerous outdoor restaurants set up.  These two served shrimp and other seafood.

Here they are preparing "quesadillas" (folded grilled tortillas with cheese and other fillings).  To the left are "pambazos", the sandwiches that I have written about.

And of course there was a taco stand.

The selection of tacos include...
"cabeza de res" - the flesh from the head of the cow
"longaniza" - a type of sausage
"suadero" - a cut of beef from between the belly and the leg
"tripa" - intestines (No, thank you!)

There are also stalls selling household items, clothing and other merchandise.  I came upon one vendor who was selling traditional clay pottery.  I'm a sucker for handicrafts, and I bought a small bowl for serving salsa.

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