Sunday, April 17, 2022

Let the Hunt Begin!

The Easter Bunny, Easter eggs and Easter egg hunts are all customs that are alien to Mexico... holiday customs that, unlike Santa Claus or trick-or-treating, that have not really spread from north of the border.  But a "gringo" Easter has become commonplace in Alejandro's household.  Every time that I am here at Easter we have an egg hunt for Alejandro's nephew Ezra.  I thought that perhaps Ezra was getting too old for that; he is, after all 11 years old and will be starting junior high next year.  But, when I was here during the winter, I asked Ezra if wanted an Easter egg hunt this year, and he enthusiastically responded "¡Sí!"

Alejandro took me back from my apartment to the family house last night.  At supper I told Ezra that the Easter bunny had called me to make sure that he had the right address.  I'm sure that Ezra realizes that I am the Easter bunny, but he played along and said, "Really?" with a big smile.  

I had bought a bag with 48 plastic Easter eggs and several bags of wrapped chocolate candies.  Alejandro and I put candy into each of the eggs.  I was up before anyone else this morning, and I hid the eggs throughout the house.  At the top of the stairs I set the the Easter basket (which is in the shape of a bunny's head) at the top of the stairs where Ezra would see it when he woke up.  

When Ezra saw the basket, he asked me if we could hunt for the eggs before breakfast.  I said "Of course".  Some of the eggs were easy to find, but as we got to the last dozen, it became more difficult.  Even though I was the one who had hid them, I had forgotten where all of them were.  There were also a couple of hidden toys... a small Lego kit and a jigsaw puzzle.  At last Ezra found the last egg, and we then had another delicious breakfast of tamales.


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