Friday, April 22, 2022

Supper Downtown

A week ago yesterday (yes, I am falling behind in my narrative) Alejandro and I drove downtown to have supper with a friend of his who was visiting from out of town during Holy Week.  

The Palace of Fine Arts illuminated at night

The Sears Building and in the background the Latin American Tower

We had agreed to meet at the colonial mansion known as the House of Tiles, practically across the street from the Latin American Tower.  The 18th century landmark has long been the flagship branch of Sanborns, a chain of stores that include a gift shop, pharmacy and restaurant.  Sanborns is certainly not the place for gourmet dining, but the food is generally reliable, and I have had some good meals at the House of Tiles.  Unfortunately, both Alejandro and I felt that our meals that evening were very mediocre.  

The restaurant's setting, however, is unique.  The dining room is located in what was originally the courtyard of the old mansion.

By the staircase there is even an early mural done in 1925 by the famous painter José Clemente Orozco.

Although our meal was not memorable, in typical Mexican fashion, it was a leisurely affair, and we had a nice visit with Alejandro's friend.

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