Wednesday, September 20, 2023



After the inspection of the house last Friday, I was told that there were only a few minor issues.  Apparently, those issues were inconsequential to the buyers.  Yesterday the realtor came to the house with another document for me to sign.  (I don't remember what it's called.) It stated that I am not responsible for any repairs prior to closing.

The wheels of bureaucracy will turn for a few more weeks before the deal is officially closed.  However, my realtor said that at this point he has never seen a sale not go through.  He confidently changed the sign from "SALE PENDING" to "SOLD".


  1. Onward my friend! Babs

  2. Yes, in a little more than one month I will be a resident of Mexico!

  3. Hey Bill, it's Scott, aka GringoPotpourri. Just catching up on blog and wishing you congrats on the sale of your home!

    Doesn't look like I'll be able to make it to Cleveland - at least not before your big move - and I'm sure you have your work cut out for you between now and then. If nothing else, I'll look you up the next time I'm in CDMX, still my favorite city in the world.

    Saludos. Buena suerte,

  4. Gracias, Scott! I didn't see your comment until today. Although I would have liked to see you here in Cleveland, the preparations for the move have been extremely stressful. So, I guess it's just as well that you were not able to make it here. But, yes, I hope that another trip to Mexico City will be in your future before long, and we can get together then.
