Saturday, September 30, 2023

A Home for the Postcards

Earlier this week I wrote about a box of antique postcards that one of my high school teachers gave me many years ago.  They belonged to her grandfather who was a brewmaster with the Schlather Brewing Company, the most successful brewery in Cleveland, Ohio, at the beginning of the 20th century.  Many of the postcards were sent by his boss, Leonard Schlather, from the many travels he took around the world.

I certainly did not want to throw these out, but I could not find anyone who was interested in them.  Finally, I sent an email to the Rocky River Historical Society.  After Schlather had made a fortune, he built a mansion in the Cleveland suburb of Rocky River.  I soon received a reply from one of the officers of the club, and she said that they would be delighted to accept the cards that were written by Schlather (which is more than half of them).  So, the majority of the postcards have found a home where they will be preserved and valued for their historical significance.  In her reply, she sent me a photo of the Schlather house (sadly, no longer in existence) which once overlooked the Rocky River valley.

 The photo was published in Cleveland's major newspaper, The Plain Dealer, on July 7th, 1901.


  1. Your persistence and patience paid off! Good job. Babs

    1. I simply could not throw them in the trash. Alejandro had even said that if worse came to worse I should pack them in my suitcase and bring them to Mexico.
