Thursday, September 14, 2023

Belated Birthday

On Tuesday, the second day that my home was on the market, I had a couple of requests for showings.  Of course, it is customary for the homeowner to leave while the house of being shown.  I was talking on the phone with my cousin Gail in the morning, but I had to cut the conversation short.  I told her that I had to go because someone would soon be coming to see the house.  She said to come over to her place.  I had not seen her since my return from Mexico, so that gave us a chance to visit and catch up on the latest news.  

I headed back home between showings, and while I was driving the cell phone rang.  I pulled over, and it was a request for another showing, the third for that day, later in the afternoon.  I waited at home until the realtor for the second appointment arrived, and then I took off for a lunch date.

Frank, my friend who housesits for me, was going to take me out for lunch.  I had been in Mexico on my birthday, and he wanted to treat me to a belated birthday meal at Olive Garden. I told him to meet me at the restaurant rather than coming to the house.  There we joined by two of my high school friends, Gayle (not to be confused with my cousin Gail) and Duffy.  (You have met both of them a number of times in earlier blog posts.)

Duffy, Gayle and Frank

(photo taken by Gayle)

We had a leisurely lunch and good conversation.  Afterwards, Frank went back to my house, and we visited some more until it was time for the next realtor's appointment.  Earlier, Gayle had said I should come over to her house during that showing.  So, I drove to her place which is less than ten minutes away.  As I was getting out of the car, the cell phone rang again with another request, the fourth for that day, an hour later.  I ended up hanging out at her house even longer than I planned.

Even though it was annoying to have to constantly leave the house, it was nice to spend the day visiting with friends and relatives.  And the best belated birthday present of all was to receive the news the next day that one of those showings had resulted in a sale!

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