Thursday, September 21, 2023


As you know, every year a have a calendar made which features photos that I have taken.  I then give the calendars out as Christmas gifts (and, of course, keep one for myself). This year the photos were all pictures of works in the Cleveland Museum of Art.

Earlier this summer, I went on the Shutterfly website and prepared my calendar for 2024.  As soon as I returned home from my most recent trip to Mexico, I ordered the calendars so that I could give them out before I make my big move.

Earlier this month, the package from Shutterfly arrived.

I have two of the calendars already packed in my suitcase... one for my apartment in Mexico City and one for Alejandro's family.  Others have been given out to friends who usually receive the calendar at Christmas, and I sent six of them to my cousins in Switzerland, England and Norway.  

I went to the post office last Thursday to send them off to Europe.  Amazingly, on Monday I received an email from my cousin Kevin in England that his calendar had arrived.  Just four days!  And this morning I had an email from my cousin Brigitta in Switzerland that hers had arrived.  Only one week!  It seems that the international mail is moving much faster than previously.  I looked at the U.S. Postal Service website and put in the tracking numbers. All of the calendars to Switzerland were delivered today.  Only the package to Norway is still lingering at the international distribution center in Chicago. 

I won't tell you now what the theme of the 2024 calendar is, but come next year, I will show you the photos month by month.


  1. I have a friend that lives in Chicago and I cannot tell you how many packages I have tracked (leaving or going to Chicago) that hit the Chicago distribution center and just sit there…I hope the calendar enjoys its stay in the Windy City!

    1. The calendar going to Norway is still sitting there in Chicago, but at least the others made it to their destination very quickly.
