Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Moving Day

No, I'm not leaving for Mexico just yet.  That's still about a month away.  However, yesterday, the movers came to pack up the stuff that I am taking down there.

Since the previous owners of the condo in Mexico City are leaving the place completely furnished, I do not have to move that much.  There are certain pieces of furniture, my relatively new TV, and a lot of my paintings and other decorative items that I want down there.  The moving company I have contracted is highly recommended and specializes in moving household goods from the U.S. and Canada to Mexico.

Yesterday morning the movers arrived with a U-Haul truck and packing materials.

  Within a few hours they had everything boxed and wrapped.

This morning they returned and loaded everything onto the truck.  It will go to Atlanta where they have another shipment, and then on to the Mexican border, and eventually to my place in Mexico City.


  1. Did you prepare your list of each item along with the serial #s of items such as your TV etc? I can't remember what that form is called.

  2. The movers take care of the inventory.
