Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Exciting News!

My house has only been on the market for two days, but this morning I received a call from my realtor.  Four parties viewed my house yesterday, and one of them made a very good offer.  I have heard stories about homes selling quickly, but I never imagined that mine would sell so fast, especially since it only has one bathroom.

It will be more than a month before everything is taken care of, but if everything works out, I should be on a one-way flight to Mexico before the end of October!



  1. Wonderful news Bill! Congrats! That happened to me and I was astonished. The buyer even bought a lot of my art! Babs

    1. Thanks, Barbara. I was flabbergasted when the realtor called me this morning. I'm excited, and also nervous, because there is so much to do in a little over one month. I just hope that the house passes the building inspection without any major expenses necessary.
