Saturday, January 15, 2022

Update on Alejandro

 For the last four days Alejandro has been quite miserable, experiencing severe headache and sore throat, earache, coughing, runny nose, and fatigue.  Fortunately none of his symptoms have been dangerous or requiring hospitalization.  He has not had high fever, difficulty in breathing or low oxygen levels.  This afternoon we talked on the phone, and for the first time it really sounded as if he is on the mend.  He said that his most annoying symptoms, the headache and sore throat are noticeably better, and that he is coughing less.  I am hoping that within a few more days he will be symptom-free, and that we will then start counting the days until we can safely see each other.

Alejandro has been isolating himself in one part of the house, and none of the other members of the family has exhibited any symptoms.   

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