Thursday, January 27, 2022

A Late Celebration

In Mexico, the traditional day for giving gifts is not Christmas, but "Día de Reyes" (Day of the Kings or Epiphany) on January 6th.  Since my arrival in Mexico was not until January 11th, our celebration of gift-giving was going to be a bit later.  As it turned out, Alejandro's unexpected COVID infection delayed that a couple of weeks more.  They would have to wait longer for the arrival of that fourth Magi King from Ohio.

Yesterday, I opened up my big suitcase, organized all the presents, wrapped them in tissue paper, and put them in gift bags.

There were bags for Alejandro, his dad, his sister and his nephew.  There were also gifts from friends back in Ohio who know Alejandro.  I set aside a couple bags to be given at later dates for the birthdays of Alejandro's father and sister.

After dinner yesterday, I asked Alejandro's nephew, Ezra, if he thought it was time for gifts, and he enthusiastically said "Sí!".  So I brought out the bags of presents.  I let Ezra decide the order in which the gifts were given, and, kind-hearted kid that he is, he said first his grandpa, then his mom, then his uncle Alejandro, and finally himself.

Alejandro's father poses with a shirt that I bought him at the Cleveland Metroparks gift store.

Alejandro's sister, Sandra, really liked the butterfly painting which I did for her.

After all the gifts had been given, yet another bag appeared for me.  I was filled with handmade figures of villagers and animals to add to my Mexican Nativity scene next Christmas!

It was a wonderful to be with my "Mexican family" and to celebrate the Day of the Kings, albeit a few weeks late. 


  1. Wonderful! I'm so glad everyone finally got to celebrate together!

  2. The painting you did for Sandra is beautiful. I hope I get to see your Nativity scene next year with all the new handcrafted visitors!

    1. Thanks, Gail.
      I think next year, the Nativity scene will have to go on the floor in front of the fireplace, since I don't think it will fit anymore on the table where I had it last year.
