Tuesday, January 18, 2022

But What About My "Freedumb"?

 From yesterday morning's post:


the belief that your personal freedom outweighs others' personal safety

If you are a believer in "freedumb", you are not going to like Mexico City.  You will find yourself REQUIRED to put on a facemask almost everywhere you go.  Even walking along the street you will find yourself in the minority if you are not wearing a mask.  With the surge of Omicron, at least 75% of the people are wearing their "cubrebocas" outdoors as well as indoors.

The use of facemasks is obligatory!

Wow!  Even I would not be allowed into this business.  They require not just a facemask, but also gloves.

Many businesses take your temperature as you enter.

It's not always easy in this crowded city, but try to maintain a safe distance.

Don't worry if you forgot to bring your little bottle of hand sanitizer, because we will be offered a squirt almost everywhere you go.

Frankly, I think this is overkill, but as you enter many stores you will walk across a mat to sanitize your shoes.

And you know what?  Even though Mexicans are notorious for disregarding rules, the people here are following these precautions without whining about an infringement upon their "freedumb".

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