Saturday, January 15, 2022

There is Music in the Street

A couple days ago I was in the apartment, sitting at my laptop, when I heard marimba music.  I went to the window, and saw that just across the street two fellows had set up their marimba.

Whenever I photograph or film street musicians, I always give them ten pesos.  However, in this case I would have had to put on my facemask, unlock and lock the apartment door on my way out, take the elevator downstairs, and unlock the street entrance to the building.  It is certainly not the best place for street musicians to perform, and yet every so often there will be someone playing music under my window.  These two were the best that I have heard on my street.  After a couple of songs they picked up their marimba and headed down the street.  I could still hear their music in the distance.

Sorry, guys.    


  1. Do your windows open? I wonder if your could have shouted to them, and thrown some money down?

    1. I could be wrong, but I suspect that throwing money at them would be considered rude.
