Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Shopping at Unexpected Places

On Saturday, I wanted to get out of the apartment while the cleaning lady was here for her weekly visit.  I went shopping for gifts at a couple of stores that you might find out of the ordinary.  The first place was not an usual place to shop, but perhaps a surprise to "gringos" who have not seen this name for decades.

Yes, Woolworth, once the largest "five and dime" store chain in the world, still survives in Mexico.  There are a number of Woolworth Mexicana stores in Mexico City, and from the number of customers I saw in the store, they seem to be doing well.  It isn't quite like the Woolworth I remember as a kid (there's no lunch counter for one thing), but the two-floor store has a wide variety of clothing, household goods and personal grooming items.  

Alejandro's father has a birthday coming up later this month, and I wanted to buy him something separate from the other gifts that I had brought for the family.  In the past I have found official soccer team t-shirts here at a very good price.  I found shirts for two of his favorite teams... Real Madrid and Club America (one of Mexico City's teams).  

I had forgotten to bring a shopping bag with me (many stores no longer have plastic bags for your purchases), so I bought a reusable Woolworth bag.  I'll take that home with me, and I'll see if I get any comments (at least from those who are old enough to remember Woolworth) when I use at the grocery store.

As I meandered my way back to the apartment, I came to a store that I have passed many times in the past.  I have often looked in the store window, and thought that I should stop inside and buy some souvenirs there.  This place will definitely be unexpected to you... it is a store selling custom-made bathroom fixtures.

But in the window there are little figurines made of onyx and marble for sale.  This time I finally went inside and bought several items.


  1. A wonderful village on the way to the Sierra Gorda called Vizzaron mines the marble and onyx and limestone in the nearby hills.The little bit shops in that town have so many beautiful things made out of those materials at ridiculously low prices. I love going there. The people are so lovely as well.

    1. I'll have to keep that in mind. I have always wanted to go to the Sierra Gorda.
