Monday, January 10, 2022

Making a List and Checking It Twice

One day to go before I leave for Mexico!

I am keeping my fingers crossed that neither one of my flights is cancelled.  Yesterday I did not see any news articles about cancelled flights.  My home is four miles from the airport, and I can hear the early morning planes taking off as I write this.  Hopefully there will be no snafus tomorrow.

For quite a few years I have been making a checklist of things to do before I leave on a trip. This time is no exception.  Several weeks ago, I typed up and printed off a "to-do" list.  Most of the items have been checked off, but there are still a number of last-minute things to do today.  After writing this post it will soon be time to print off my boarding passes.  I think that all the bills have been paid, but I will wait until after the mailman comes this morning before I check off "pay bills".  Then I have to put things into the safe.  

In addition to the list of things to do, I also have a list of things to pack and things to be sure to have with me before I walk out the door.  In spite of my list, you may remember that on my last trip I forgot something really important... I left the house without my camera.  As it turned out, it was not a tragedy since Alejandro lent me his camera.  However, my organized self is still embarrassed that I did such a stupid thing.  This time "camera" is written at the end of the list in capital letters and with numerous exclamation points.

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