Friday, January 14, 2022

Eating In


Mexico City is considered a foodie's paradise.  While I don't consider myself a "foodie", I do love the enormous variety of restaurants here.  Within walking distance of my apartment there are numerous places where I like to eat.  

On Tuesday, the day that I arrived, I was famished since I had not eaten all day.  I went to "El Huequito", a "taquería" a couple blocks away.  I had a big dinner of Aztec soup, tacos, and fried plantain in cream for dessert.

Wednesday morning I went to one of my favorite restaurants, "El Cardenal" for a hearty breakfast of enchiladas, along with a pastry, hot chocolate and mandarin orange juice.

However, I cannot continue eating out all the time.  I gained weight over the holidays, and if I indulge myself daily for the seven weeks that I am here, I will gain even more.  So I decided that I was going to eat most of my meals in the apartment.  I went to the supermarket to stock up on some groceries, and to the public market to buy some fruits as well as the unsalted cashews that I like for a healthy snack.

I am sort of limited in what I can prepare here.  The kitchen in the apartment is fully equipped.  However, the stove has to be pulled out to turn on the gas.  It is a rather strange set-up. The stove is suspended from the kitchen counter, so it is almost impossible for me to pull it out by myself. (This is really the only thing that I don't like this apartment.) 

Breakfast is not a problem.  I have a bowl of raisin bran with a banana, an avocado, and a container of yogurt.  But for dinner, it's a large salad (which is what I've had the last two nights) or something that I can heat up in the microwave.  Tonight I'm going to throw together something with tuna.  One thing that I found at the supermarket that I have never had before was a bag of cauliflower rice.  The bag doesn't give any instructions.  I'll have to look on the internet and see if I can find any ideas.

Ah, but tomorrow morning, the cleaning lady comes.  So I have a perfect excuse to go out to a restaurant for breakfast.  After all, I cannot deny myself completely in this city of glorious food!     


  1. You're lucky that you have laudable cooking skills. We Martis don't like to go hungry!

    1. I'm not sure how laudable my cooking skills are. What I made last night... a can of tuna, a can of garbanzos, some green sauce, some cheese and a mashed avocado... looked like a bowl of slop. But it tasted pretty good.
