

Wednesday, August 23, 2023


Alejandro found this picture on the internet and joked that he should get a T-shirt like this to wear on his next visit to Ohio.

The word "gringo" is a word used to refer to an English-speaking Anglo American.  There are many theories on the origin of the word.  Some of them refer to the invasion of Mexico by U.S. troops in the Mexican American War.  Supposedly, the Mexicans would yell at the soldiers in their green uniforms, "Green, go home!"  The most accepted theory, however, is that it comes from the word "griego" (Greek) and was used for someone speaking an unintelligible language.  (Comparable to our expression, "It's Greek to me.")  

I suppose that now that I have my Mexican residency visa, I could get a T-shirt that says "Cálmate, chilango, soy legal."

"Chilango" is a slang term for a native of Mexico City.  Its origin is also disputed, but it may come from Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs.  And, like the word "gringo", it is a term that can be, but is not necessarily, an insult.  Mexicans from the "provinces" will use it mockingly to refer to the residents of the capital whom they view as arrogant and rude.  However, the natives of Mexico City have adopted the word for themselves and use it with pride.  I have often heard Alejandro refer to himself as a "chilango".

Well, this simple post with a photo of a T-shirt evolved into a language lesson!

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