

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Keeping Warm

As I have said before, the nights in Mexico City are usually quite chilly with low temperatures going down into the 50s F.

One morning last week we found the family dogs, Iztac and Pepe, cuddled together on the sofa to keep warm.



  1. Cute pups! I wish being too chilly was the problem I was having here today. Today in Madison it was 97 with a 'feels like' temp over 110. Even as I write this at 10pm, it's still 89 degrees with high humidity, so it still feels like the temperature is in the mid-90s. Enjoy the pleasantly cool weather!

  2. Wow! Looking at the forecast for Cleveland, I see that today the high will be 87. That is the highest temperature they have had since I left Cleveland at the beginning of August. Most days, the high has not even hit 80. As I write this the temperature in Mexico City is 58, and today's high is supposed to be 72.

    My students always used to ask me, "Isn't it terribly hot in Mexico in the summer?" And I would tell them, "No, I go down to Mexico to cool off."
