Thursday, February 2, 2023

Now This Is a Diner!

You may remember that a couple weeks ago Alejandro and I ate at an American style diner that was absolutely terrible.  Alejandro said that there was a similar place not far from where he lives that is much, much better.  I told him that I would like to go there, so last Sunday, when I was at his house, we took a short walk to the "Cafetería Retro Acetato".

The decor is 1950s - 1960s rock 'n roll with a dose of Star Wars thrown in for good measure.

I ordered a chocolate malted and Alejandro had an amaretto milkshake in a towering glass.

We ordered different kinds of hamburgers.  They were hand-made from good quality meat, not mass-produced frozen patties thrown on the grill.  I have to say that it was the best hamburger that I have ever had in a restaurant... so much better than McDonald's or Burger King, and far superior to (and cheaper than) the dreadful burgers that we had at that other diner.

Who would have thought that Alejandro's thoroughly non-touristy, working-class neighborhood would have such a gem!  I want to go back!


  1. Replies
    1. Unfortunately, no. But the burgers are so good that Alejandro didn't miss it.
