Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Another Trip Comes to an End


After almost two months here in Mexico City, tomorrow I will fly back to Ohio.  The time has flown by, and yet, when I look at my old posts from January, I think, "Oh, yeah, that was on this trip."  I will not be gone long.  I already have my flight reservation to return in early April.  I will be back down here for Easter and for Alejandro's birthday.

This time I am returning home as a married man.  The simple wedding was a milestone in my life, but only the first step in the changes that I hope to make this year.  The owner of the condo I rent will be retiring in March, and I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be able to purchase it in a timely manner.  Then comes the even more daunting task of selling my house in Ohio.  The real estate market back home is no longer hot as it was before.  I hope it does not take forever to sell it.  Then comes the permanent move to Mexico.  

I hope that well before the end of the year I will be changing the name of this blog from "Travels of a Retired Teacher" to "A Retired Teacher in Mexico City".      

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