Monday, February 20, 2023

A Little Fiesta

Xochimilco is noted for its many festivals and religious observances.  As soon as I arrived there, I knew that something was going on because rockets were being set off, exploding in the air with a loud band and a puff of smoke.  Later I could hear the sound of musicians who were practicing.  

Finally, along one of the streets, I came upon a crowd that included numerous musicians.

There were also several children dressed in the traditional attire of the "chinelos" dancers.

There was a tent set up in the middle of the street, and under it there were several images of the Virgin Mary on flower decorated platforms.  Then the musicians started playing, the images were lifted up, and a procession headed down the street.

However, the procession began to divide into different groups, with the images of the Virgin heading in different directions.   I followed one group that was headed toward the main plaza.  (I thought perhaps they were going to Xochimilco's main church, San Bernardino de Siena, and that I might have a chance to see the interior of the church after all.)

But, no.  Upon reaching the plaza they turned down a side street.  I asked someone on the plaza what fiesta was being celebrated.  She said that it was "la Fiesta de los Cuatro Barrios" (The Fiesta of the Four Neighborhoods).  The images are taken to the parish churches of four of the neighborhoods of Xochimilco.  Then, according to what I read later, the images are taken to the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows for a fiesta which marks the beginning of Carnaval.


  1. I imagine there is a celebration of some kind every day in CDMX!

  2. From the frequency of fireworks being shot off in Alejandro's neighborhood, I would have to agree.
