Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Funny Sign

While I was walking through Mexico City's Roma neighborhood, I saw this sign over a seafood restaurant that gave me a chuckle.

"The Only Place that Does Not Belong to Carlos Slim"

In case you don't know, Carlos Slim is the richest man in Mexico, and for a few years was ranked as the richest man in the world.  His estimated worth is over 62 billion dollars.  Forbes Magazine ranked him as the 16th richest man in the world last year.  He owns Telmex, the Mexican telephone company, Imbursa, an insurance and investment company, and the Grupo Carso conglomerate, which includes more than fifty businesses.  Among those are the Sears Roebuck Mexico; Mixup, a major chain of music stores; and Sanborns, a ubiquitous chain of restaurant / gift shop / pharmacy stores found throughout Mexico.  However, he does NOT own the Restaurante Peces!

1 comment:

  1. That IS funny! For one man to have so much money in a country with so much poverty is, well, you know what I think.
