Monday, February 20, 2023

At the Market

While I was visiting the center of Xochimilco, I took a stroll through its public market.  Actually, I should say markets, because there are two buildings, side by side, each oneoccupying an entire city block, which serve as the neighborhood's marketplace.

Even before reaching the market, there were vendors on the street selling fruits and vegetables.


The market buildings are not much different that the markets found throughout the city.  But I always find them interesting, and the displays of colorful produce are always photogenic.

Just a few avocados!

Machines crank out tortillas.

As in other markets, there are a number of "cocinas" (kitchens) where you can sit down and have a meal.

As you might expect in Xochimilco (its name comes from the Aztec language and means "flower field") there are numerous stalls selling flowers and flower arrangements.

Moving on to the other building, there were the stalls of butchers and fishmongers.

For those used to buying their meat at a supermarket, already packaged, some of the sights might be a little strong.

Every part of the animal is used.  This stall is selling cow stomachs.

This mural painting is at one fo the entrances to the market building.

The artist's inscription reads in part, "I offer to the Lord and to the residents of Xochimilco this humble example of my work to give thanks for the favors given, because being in need of love and food, in this market I have found flowers, fruits, vegetables, meat and legumes which make my body and soul strong."  

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