Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Introducing Pepe-Voltaire

Alejandro and his family have always been dog lovers.  When I met Alejandro, they had two dogs, a Labrador named Olinka, and a mutt they rescued off of the street named Luna.  Just before the pandemic started, a neighbor gave them a pit bull puppy which they named Iztac. 

Olinka passed away a couple years ago, followed by Luna last year.  That left only the crazy but affectionate Iztac.  I hoped that they would not get another dog right away, but knowing the family, I figured that it would only be a matter of time before they increase the canine population of the household.  

Last week, after Alejandro walked his nephew Ezra to school, a scruffy street dog followed him home.  The family took the dog in.  Alejandro and Ezra wanted to name him Voltaire, but Alejandro's sister and father were in favor of the much more prosaic name of Pepe.  I liked the name of Voltaire also, so Alejandro and I often call the dog Pepe-Voltaire. 

Pepe-Voltaire is very sweet and wants to be near people all the time.  Alejandro immediately took the dog to the vet, and the doctor said that Pepe-Voltaire was malnourished and anemic.  He recommended three meals a day supplemented with chicken livers.  He also gave the dog some kind of medicine to get rid of any fleas that he might have.  However, he said not to give Pepe-Voltaire a bath for a week until the medicine had fully done its work.  As a result, Alejandro also sometimes refers to the dog as Pepe Le Pew.

Fortunately, Pepe-Voltaire and Iztac became friends right off the bat.  Sometimes their play gets a little rough, but their tails are always wagging.

(video taken by Alejandro on his cell phone)


  1. Oh, that is one lucky dog, and he is beautiful.
    I imagine that by now Pepe is no longer le pew!

    1. Sandra is going to go to the vet today to ask if it is OK now to give him a bath.
