Friday, December 23, 2022

Wintry Christmas

I was planning on heading down the highway by 8:00 this morning to go to Columbus, Ohio, to spend Christmas with my sister-in-law Phyllis and her husband Jim.  Of course, all week they have been talking about winter storm Elliot (when did they start naming winter storms as if they were hurricanes?) which was to hit the Midwest and Northeast just in time for Christmas.  

I got up around 5 A.M.  It really has not snowed that much, not even enough to bother with the snowblower.  The problem, however, is the wind and low temperature.  The wind is blowing steadily at around 30 miles per hour, and the temperature has plummeted to 4 degrees Fahrenheit (-19 Celsius).  With the wind chill it feels like -21.  So, even if we had had a heavier snow, there is no way that I would go out there with the snowblower. 

Columbus does not have the moderating influence of Lake Erie, and so, even though it is to the south of us, the temperature is even colder... presently 2 below zero.

The snow is supposed to stop around mid-morning, so I am going to wait until 10 or 11 before I make the two-hour drive to Columbus.    

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