Thursday, December 22, 2022

Adiós, Luna

I just received an email from Alejandro.  Everyone in the house is very sad today.  Their beloved dog, Luna, passed away.

 Alejandro's family rescued Luna from the street about twelve years ago.  She was usually suspicious of strangers, but from the first time I came to Alejandro's house, Luna was very friendly with me.  She loved it when I scratched her ears and neck.

I could tell that Luna was getting old.  She had a hard time walking and seemed to breath heavily.  I was not surprised when Alejandro told me the news, but I was still sad.  I am sure that Alejandro's nephew Ezra, who has known Luna his entire life, has shed some tears.

I will miss you, Luna.  


  1. Losing a pet is heartbreaking. They become real family members. Please tell Aleckz and his family that I understand their feelings as we have had to make the difficult choice twice to let our dogs Lucy and then Betsy "cross the rainbow bridge."

    1. Yes, I have experienced the loss of pets also. It's always very sad.
