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sugar skulls

Saturday, December 24, 2022

A Drive Through the Snow

Yesterday I drove to Columbus along interstate 71 in the middle of the winter storm.  Although the snow had stopped, the wind was strong and blowing it across the highway.  I saw some plows out on the road, but the interstate was largely snow covered.  When I first got onto the highway, I was going about 30 miles per hour, and I thought, "This drive is going to take forever."  Eventually I was able to do 45 to 50 miles per hour on the right lane which was generally clear.  However, if I needed to pass, the other lanes were snow-covered.  As I came closer to Columbus and entered Morrow County, the road conditions seemed to improve, and I was able to make better time.  Then suddenly the road became treacherously slippery.  A semi had jackknifed and blocked the highway.  Traffic had to crawl around the truck on the shoulder.  Further on, there were two more semis that had jackknifed off the road.  Things did not improve as I entered the city limits of Columbus.  Finally, I arrived at the apartment building where my sister-in-law and her husband live.  What is usually a two-hour drive took more than three hours.  I have driven in worse conditions but never for such a long distance.  I wasn't really scared.  My Prius seemed to handle the snow very well.  However, it was a very tiring experience.  Fortunately, the weather will have moderated by the time I have to return to Cleveland on Monday.

Snowy Franklin Park across the street from my sister-in-law's condo

¡Feliz Navidad!


  1. Glad you made it safely. No way would I have been out on that road!

    1. I have actually driven in much, much worse... I just have never done three hours of it alone before. Watching the news, I see that Ohio really did not have it as bad as some other parts of the country.,

  2. Hello Senior Felinski. So nice to read your blog. My goodness how much time has passed and I read you are moving to Mexico. Are you on any other social media (Facebook, instagram etc?). Diana Bala

    1. Hola, Diana. Good to hear from you. If my memory serves me correctly, you were my student at West Junior High, weren't you? That's really going back.
      No, I am not on other social media (yes, I'm a dinosaur), but you can keep in touch through this blog.
      Happy New Year!
