Thursday, August 18, 2022

Whimsy at the World Trade Center

While walking past the Mexico City World Trade Center, just a block away from my apartment, I saw that there is currently an exhibit of sculptures outside the building.  There are four works by Rodrigo de la Sierra.  De la Sierra is a native of Mexico City, and on his website he writes, "Life is too serious for us to take ourselves so seriously."  His best known sculptures are of a comical "everyman" by the name of Timoteo (Timo for short).  I have seen his "Timo" works on display at other venues in Mexico City, and they are delightful.  The display at the World Trade Center is entitled "Timoteo Visits the WTC".

"Buscando Equilibrio" "Searching for Equilibrium"


"Gran Ego" "Big Ego"


At the entrance to the World Trade Center

"Los de arriba y los de abajo"  "Those on Top and Those on the Bottom"


  1. Fun! back in the 1980's the State Dept sponsored a show of vendors for the Hospitality industry. That was how I met the people from CANIRAC, the huge association of restaurant owners. My firm ended up designing their logo in the early 1990's! We had a booth in that show which was a great introduction to people who I have stayed in touch with for all of these years!

  2. Those sculptures are charming!

    1. He has made quite a name for himself here in CDMX. He has a sculpture permanently on display in front of the National Lottery Building in which "Timo" is dressed in the uniform of the children who draw the winning numbers.
