Friday, August 26, 2022

New Glasses

I wrote last week that I had ordered new glasses at one of the innumerable opticians to found along Madero Street in the Centro Histórico.  This week I picked them up, and I am really happy with them.  I paid at least one third less than what I would have paid back home.  They did a very professional job.  I even received certificates of authenticity that the lenses were from the German company Zweiss and that the frames were genuine Armani.  (Hmm, maybe I would have paid a lot more back home.  I have never had Armani frames, and there was never any mention at Lenscrafters about the manufacturer of the lenses.) 

Here is a picture of me wearing my old glasses...

And here I am wearing my new ones...

My prescription had not changed much, but I can see so much better with my new glasses (probably because my old ones were scratched up).  I am very pleased with my purchase.  Even if I were not planning to move to Mexico, I would always get my glasses down here from now on.


  1. You're very dashing in your fancy schmancy designer specs! They are a good choice!

  2. Thank you! I really like them!
