Wednesday, August 17, 2022

It Is the Definitely the Rainy Season

It seems that this year's rainy season is rainier than most other summers.  Since I arrived last week most days have had rain in the afternoons or evenings.  A number of days have seen heavy thunderstorms.

On Monday we had light rain in Nápoles, the neighborhood where my apartment is located.  However, in other parts of the city the rain was apparently torrential.  This photo appeared yesterday in one of the city's newspapers...

The worst flooding was along the "Circuito Interior" near the airport.  According to the newspaper article the Secretariat of Citizen Security sent out vans to help people on their way to the airport who would otherwise miss their flights.

Yesterday I spent my morning downtown, and decided to walk the four miles back to my apartment.  Most of the way the sun was shining, but as I neared my neighborhood the sky clouded over.  I should have gone directly back to my place, but I foolishly decided to stop at a nearby café to have a "café con leche" (coffee with steamed milk).  While I was sitting there it began to rain.

The rain continued for quite some time, and I ended up ordering a second coffee.  Finally the rain was just a light sprinkle, and I made my way back to the apartment without getting too wet.

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