Tuesday, August 16, 2022

More Food!

On Saturday we had to leave the baptism party, and then drive all the way across the city in the middle of a torrential thunderstorm.  After more than an hour's drive we finally reached the home of Alejandro's Aunt Araceli.  We were invited to a small family get-together, and Araceli had made "pozole". 

"Pozole" is a traditional Mexican stew-like soup that is made with pork and hominy.  It is garnished with chopped onion and lettuce, sliced radishes and avocados.  I have to say that it is not one of my favorite Mexican dishes, but Araceli makes an exceptionally good "pozole".  And you never go away from her home hungry.  When she asks if you want a second helping, and you say "just a little more", expect to get another full bowl of "pozole". It is still source of laughter between Alejandro and me how on one of our visits to his aunt's house, she put a whole pork shank in my bowl when I requested a small second helping.

Some of the family gathered around the table

I don't know what the topic of conversation was when I snapped this photo.  They all look rather sullen here, but they are a very congenial group of people.  Alejandro and I were there until eleven at night, and, needless to say, we left with very full stomachs.

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