Sunday, August 14, 2022

A Sweet but Annoying Dog

I have already introduced you in earlier posts to Iztac, the pit bull which Alejandro's family got just before the beginning of the pandemic.

Iztac surveying the outside world from the window of the second floor terrace

I was concerned when Alejandro told me that they got a pit bull, but Iztac is extremely affectionate with me.  (By the way, the name Iztac is the Aztec word for "white".)

Iztac has grown out of some of her puppy behavior.   She is no longer as destructive as she used to be.  However, she still is at times a crazy dog.  One behavior that has become very annoying on my last couple visits is her incessant barking while we are eating.

Iztac is not allowed in the dining room which is separated from the living room by a grillwork door.  When we are seated at the table she positions herself at the pass-through or at the door and barks and barks and barks.

The strange thing is that she does not do this when I am not with the family, so I don't think that she is begging for food.  I don't know if she is jealous that I am with them, or if she wants attention from me.  Sometimes, I will go over to her, and in a very quiet voice say "Tranquila, tranquila."  At times that works, but at other times she starts barking again when I sit down.  Eventually she will calm down, or Alejandro will make her go outside on the terrace.  But it is the one very annoying behavior of this otherwise sweet doggie.

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