Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Temperature's Rising

Here in Mexico City we are saying "Adiós" to winter.  I know that my friends in Ohio will have absolutely no sympathy for me, but January here is a chilly month, especially considering that homes do not have central heating.  The low temperatures at night go down into the 40s F, occasionally even down into the 30s.  There have been quite a few days where the high temperature never made it to 70.

But usually as we proceed through February the temperatures warm.  We are now having a bit of a heat wave in which the highs have been in the 80s.  

A light jacket is still required at night or in the early morning, but the days have definitely been short-sleeve weather.  A sure sign that winter is making an exit...  Alejandro's father, who is always bundled up against the cold, even when he's inside the house, was sitting outside in a t-shirt yesterday.

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