Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Hello February

You may remember that early in January I showed you a picture from the calendar that I made for 2022.  The calendar features photos that I have taken on my travels.  This year's theme is "Parks and Gardens", and the picture for February is of someplace close to home... a garden at Stan Hywett Hall in Akron, Ohio.

The mansion, which is now a museum, was built between 1912 and 1915 for F. A. Sieberling, the founder of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, which is headquartered in Akron.  He and his wife named their estate Stan Hywett, which comes from the old English for stone quarry.  (The property formerly included a stone quarry.)  The Tudor Revival mansion is the 14th largest house in the United States, and is a National Historic Site.  The estate grounds include several formal gardens.

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