Saturday, February 19, 2022

A Cactus Garden

When I walked to Condesa last Thursday I took a different route than what I usually take.  As I looked down on the busy expressway known as the "Viaducto Miguel Alemán", I noticed how nicely the median strip is landscaped with a variety of cactus. 

When Alejandro drives me to the apartment, we usually exit before this stretch of the expressway, so I had not really noticed this landscaping.  I don't know how long it has been here, but I looked at Google Maps satellite view, and the median strip here is bare.  But then again, the satellite view doesn't show the Ecoducto, the green space and pedestrian walkway farther up the highway, either.  So Google Maps has not updated their view for a number of years.


In a couple hours, Alejandro and I will be taking off to spend the weekend in the state of Puebla.  I don't want to take my laptop with me since we will be doing some sightseeing along the way.  So, I will not be posting until we return.  ¡Hasta luego!

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