Sunday, February 13, 2022

Going Down Hill

As I was passing by a newsstand last week, there was an article on the front page of "El Sol de México" which caught my eye.  It reported that "The Economist" magazine has issued its democracy index for 2021. The index ranks the state of democracy in all the nations of the world.

Nations are categorized as "full democracies", "flawed democracies", "hybrid regimes" (in other words, a country which is a mixture of democratic and authoritarian characteristics), and "authoritarian regimes".  In this latest index, Mexico has fallen from a "defective democracy" to a "hybrid regime".  The reason for the drop is President López Obrador's efforts to increase the power of the executive branch, and his attacks on his critics in the media.

The United States, by the way, was classified as a "flawed democracy".   The highest ranking democracies are Norway, Iceland, Sweden, New Zealand, and Finland.

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