Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Art in the Park

After experiencing "Monet and Friends", Alejandro and I had another art experience when we took a stroll through "Jardín Sullivan", a park where local artists display their work every Sunday.  

There is a tremendous amount of talent here with all styles of painting from abstract to hyperrealism.


I love the landscapes with the snow-covered volcanoes.

If you have been following my blog, you will recognize the inspiration for these paintings, the traditional rag dolls from Amealco.

I was itching to buy something, even though I have no idea where I will hang it.  I finally made a purchase from this artist.  I bought a small landscape with an agave plant.  You can see the blank space where my purchase was hanging.  It is very similar to the painting next to where it was.

Then I came to an artist that I chatted with a few years ago when I visited this art show and another show in the San Angel neighborhood.  He remembered me.  His name is Carlos del River.

I really like his artwork.  His style is quite unique; it has the quality of stained glass.  Both times when I previously talked with him, I told him that I would love to buy one of his pieces.  This time I took out my credit card and bought a print that is based on a Mayan sculpture.

From the photo above, you can't really appreciate his artwork, but you can check out his website...

When I get home I will have to decide where I am going to put these two pieces and have them professionally framed.

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