

Monday, May 25, 2020

We Need a Vaccine for Stupidity

Gary Denness, the author of "Mexile", one of the blogs on my blog list, has never been shy about expressing his opinion about the "pendejo" in the White House.  A few weeks ago he reacted to the "pendejo's" blanket comment that the demonstrators in Michigan, which included some people carrying swastikas, Confederate flags, and other hate symbols, were "very good people".  Gary wrote (and I quote him with his permisiion)....

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - If you actively support Trump then you've either lost your senses, or you stand with these 'very good people' with their swastikas.  There are no excuses, there's no wriggle room, there's no justification.  You've planted your flag, chosen your side, and clearly indicated you're will to goose-step with those 'very good people'.

The thought that 40% of this nation's population is either racist or stupid (or both) is very disheartening.  However the fact that there are a lot of stupid people out there is born out by a recent poll.  

(images taken from the web)

Forty four percent of the Republicans polled believed the cockamamie conspiracy theory that Bill Gates plans to use the mass coronavirus vaccination (when it is developed) to implant microchips in the world's population so that their movements can be monitored.  The fact that such ludicrous conspiracy theories gain credence is every bit as scary as the virus itself.

To those loonies I would say that a microchip implanted in the human body is superfluous since most of them are probably carrying GPS enabled smart phones which already track their movements.  Secondly, your beloved "pendejo" is all in favor of fast tracking a vaccine, so he must be in cahoots with the nefarious Bill Gates.

As this photo from a protest in the United Kingdom shows, the United States does not have a monopoly on stupidity.


  1. I can't read anything about the USA 39% or watch the news for 30 minutes (my max) without shaking my head in disbelief, dismay and disgust.
    Watching on PBS the beautiful Memorial Day Tribute to all who have served was a reminder of the good in the USA! They even had Colin Powell on twice which was refreshing.......Hopefully the future will provide that measure of respect, kindness and standing up for the USA that is so sorely lacking at present.

    1. Hopefully November will mark the beginning of the end of our four year nightmare.
