

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Whenever we have heavy rains here, the back yards along my street flood.  This has been going on, literally, for decades.  When we complain to the city officials they just shrug their shoulders.

Last Thursday it rained off and on all day.  It was the same on Friday, but then in the late afternoon the rain was torrential.  We received over two inches of rain.  As a result, the lake formed in the back yard.

This time the street in front was also flooded.  The lake stretched from the tree lawn of the neighbor across the street, covered most of the street, and extended across my tree lawn and sidewalk and into the front yard.  Whenever a car went down the street there would be a wave coming up my driveway.

Yesterday was a warm, sunny day.  The flooding in the front along the street disappeared, but my back yard remains a swamp. It would have been a beautiful day to do some gardening, but it was too wet.  The forecast calls for rain today... rain on Monday... rain on Tuesday.  

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