Wednesday, January 24, 2024

New Attire for Dr. Simi

I have mentioned previously the drug-store chain "Farmacias Similares" which sells generic medications.  Its emblem, the rotund, elderly doctor known as Dr. Simi, has become a beloved character here.  Sometimes you will see employees dressed as Dr. Simi dancing in front of the stores.  Dr. Simi dolls have become popular items, and a recent trend at pop and rock concerts is to throw Dr. Simi dolls to the performer.

(image taken from the internet)

Last weekend, when Alejandro and I were downtown, we passed a "Farmacia Similar" on the edge of Chinatown.  At the entrance to the store was a large Dr. Simi figure dressed in stereotypical Chinese attire and with slit eyes.

Politically incorrect, but I could not resist taking a picture.

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