Monday, January 1, 2024

A Tradition Continues

When I was living in Ohio, every New Year's Eve, I would wait until the stroke of midnight, open the front door, and ring the dinner bell which belonged to my great grandmother, Susan Marti.  When I was preparing to make the move to Mexico, I gave the bell to my cousin Gail.  Susan was the sister of Gail's great grandfather... so Susan would have been Gail's great-great aunt.

Gail said that she would continue the tradition I had established of ringing the bell at midnight.  Today she sent me a video that her husband Wes recorded...

Gail wrote that the bell was very heavy and that Marti women must have been bodybuilders.

So, now it will be Gail's neighbors who will be wondering, "Who the heck is ringing that bell?"  However, that clanging bell is nothing compared to the noise in Alejandro's neighborhood last night.  Firecrackers were exploded all over.  Loud booms were coming from the neighbors across the street until around 2 AM.  

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