

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

More Books

Last Sunday, the day after my yard sale, I had to get rid of all the unsold stuff so that I could put my car in the garage once again.  Twice I loaded up the car and took household goods to the nearest Goodwill.  I also had three large shopping bags full of unsold books.  I took them to "Half Price Books", a chain of stores that buys used books.  I got a whopping seven dollars for them.  I then browsed through the store and ended up buying a dozen more books.

I know what you are probably thinking... "I thought you were trying to get rid of stuff before your move to Mexico!"  But I need to build up a small library of reading material to have down there.  Each trip between now and my final move, I will take several books with me.  I know that I could probably buy books in English on Amazon down there.  But remember, I am a dinosaur.  I love to browse through a bookstore, and I prefer to see first-hand what I am buying.  Besides, I am not a big fan of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, or his business practices.  And don't even suggest that I get a Kindle!  I want to have a real book in my hands!

As usual, my selections were largely historical fiction.  I also picked up a few pieces of travel writing including Mark Twain's "Innocents Abroad".  Another old classic is Edith Wharton's "Age of Innocence".  I have never read anything by her.

I have many more books to take to "Half Price Books" before my move... so I will surely buy some more for the bookshelves of my apartment south of the border. 


  1. You will probably find people to share English language books with in CDMX. I love your choice of books and SO MISS going to book stores! Oh my, that and the Sunday paper! Must tell you I have had a Kindle for about the last 8 years and it has made my life so much easier. I currently have about 3200 books online as several of us have the same account. My adage is, "You do what you have to do!" C'est la vie.

  2. Well, I might change my mind down the road, but I still don't want a Kindle.
    By the way, I am assuming that this is Barbara from San Miguel. Are you also having trouble commenting under your Blogger account? I can't even respond on my own blog. I have to type in the name "Retire Teacher".

    1. Yes, there is a glitch in your system

    2. I wonder if one of the computer updates messed things up. It wouldn't be the first time.

  3. They did have English language bookstores in Korea, which made me very happy. Not the greatest selection in the world though. A lot of kids book and bestseller type ones.

    Also, I haven't been able to comment with my blogger account either. I've been typing in my name like you.

    1. I am sure I could find some bookstores with a few books in English, but certainly not a good selection.
