Sunday, March 27, 2022

Winter Returns

 A couple weeks ago I wrote that I hoped that I had seen the last of the snow for this season.  Well, no such luck.  Yesterday morning, when I looked out the front window I saw that it was snowing.  It wasn't sticking to the ground, and the rooftops were barely dusted with the white stuff.  Since the temperature was above freezing I figured that it would not amount to anything.

However, it continued snowing into the afternoon.  Even though the temperature continued to hover above freezing, it started to lightly dust the ground.

Once the snow stopped it quickly disappeared.  During the night the temperature dipped down into the 20s F., and this is what I saw when I woke up this morning...

The temperatures will remain cold today and tomorrow, so the snow is not going away for a while.

In typical fashion of fickle Ohio weather, by Wednesday the high is supposed to go up to 69 F.


  1. In a photograph it is pretty but I sure as heck would not want to be in it. Different strokes for different folks....

    1. I don't want to go out in it either. I'm staying inside and cleaning house.
