Tuesday, March 1, 2022

It's March

Today is the first of March, and I am writing this at Houston airport while I wait for my flight home to Cleveland. 

As you may recall, each year I create a calendar which features photographs that I have taken on my travels.  The theme for 2022's calendar is "Parks and Gardens".

Here is the photo for March, a picture that I took some years ago on a trip to Spain.  The "Parque del Buen Retiro" is one of the largest parks in Madrid.  It was originally a royal retreat, but became a public park in the late 19th century.

I have spent seven weeks in Mexico, and hopefully I have missed most of Ohio's winter.  The temperature when I land in Cleveland at 6:00 P.M. is forecast to be a relatively mild 43 F, and by Sunday the high temperature is supposed to go up 66 F.  But I know very well that winter is not over, and the chances are very good that I will see snow, even after spring officially arrives.  However, each day above freezing is another day closer to spring weather.

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