Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Star Mountain

 At an elevation of 18,491 feet, Mexico's highest mountain is "Pico de Orizaba" in the state of Veracruz.  The volcanic peak is also known as Citlaltépetl which in the in the Aztec language of Nahuatl means "star mountain".  It is the third highest peak in North America, and the highest volcano on the continent.  Its last eruption was in 1687, so it is classified as dormant but not extinct.  In spite of climate change, the mountain is still snow-covered all year long and has several glaciers.

A webcam was placed on a neighboring peak, and sometime last year it was added to the site "Webcams de México".  However, the camera was not working for quite a while.  Last week, while visiting that site, I discovered that the webcam was operational again.  Here are a few images of Pico de Orizaba, as night falls upon the peak.

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