Thursday, March 31, 2022

Doubly Boosted

(image taken from the web)


Yesterday, I wrote that I was unable to get my second COVID booster shot at the nearby Giant Eagle Pharmacy.  This afternoon I decided to call CVS pharmacy to see if they were giving the second booster.  It was one of those automated calls that are so annoying.  I was finally able to talk to someone, but someone who was answering from a call center rather than the local pharmacy that I had called.  Yes, they were taking appointments, she said and asked if I would like her to make one for me.  I said that I was able to make an appointment myself online.  I simply wanted to know whether or not they are currently giving the second booster.  Yes, she said.

So I went online to make an appointment.  And surprise, surprise there was a slot at 6:00 this very evening at a CVS location just four miles away from me.  The pharmacist was a young fellow with only one assistant.  He seemed rather frazzled, and it was a while before he could wait on me.  I had arrived early, so by the time he had time to give me the shot, it was only a short while after my appointment time.  He said that he had already had a lot of people come in for their second booster.

It has been less than an hour, but so far there has been no reaction.  I really don't expect one since with the three previous shots I have experienced nothing more than a slight soreness at the injection site.  

I am now doubly boosted before my trip to Mexico!  Hurray!

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